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09-19-12 Special Meeting
The Edmond Town Hall Board of Managers held a Special Meeting on Wednesday, September 19, 2012, 7:00 P.M., Mary Hawley Room, Edmond Town Hall, 45 Main Street, Newtown, CT.

PRESENT: Chairman James Juliano, Marie Smith, Tom Long, Karen Pierce, Margot Hall

ABSENT: Mary Fellows
Report re. Mary Hawley Society: Margot Hall attended a meeting of the Mary Hawley Society and reported that the Society is exploring fund raising and publicity re Town Hall.
1.  The MHS is proposing to undertake selling bricks and create a brick walk/garden on the north side of the entrance to Town Hall.  The Board of Managers is asked to consider this proposal.
2.  Further, in an effort to raise funds for the blue-ray, etc conversion of the theater, Historian Dan Cruson offered to put together a ‘historical profile of movie theaters in Newtown’.  The plan is to present this profile to local organizations in hopes of sparking community interest in this project.

The Board of Managers agrees to the exploration of item #1 - brick sale and installation, and requests the MHS present any plans and drawings for BTH Managers approval.

EXECUTIVE SESSION: Motion made by Karen Pierce and seconded by Marie Smith to go into Executive Session.  Motion unanimously passed at 7:15 P.M.

PRESENT: Chairman Jim Juliano, Marie Smith, Karen Pierce, Tom Long, Margot Hall.
ABSENT: Mary Fellows

Discussion was held on personnel matters.

Discussion was held on restructuring, job description/assignments.

MOTION was made by Marie Smith and seconded by Karen Pierce to go out of Executive Session.  Motion unanimously passed at 9:32P.M.

MOTION made by Marie Smith and seconded by Margot Hall to hire Sheila Torres to perform office functions - event scheduling and light bookkeeping - 25 hours/week with a probation period of 3 months commencing with the starting date.
Motion unanimously passed.

MOTION made by Marie Smith and seconded by Tom Long to approve the Draft Staff Job Descriptions and forward them to the Attorney for review.  Motion unanimously passed.

MOTION made by Karen Pierce and seconded by Margot Hall to adjourn this meeting at 9:38 P.M.  Motion unanimously passed.
Respectfully submitted,
Margot S. Hall